International Journal of Pharmaceutics & Drug Research

ISSN No. 2347-6346



Shubham Soni*, Dr. Satkar Prasad


According to current estimates, roughly 6 million people worldwide suffer from chronic wounds. Topical antibiotics are often administered in clinical settings in wounds, cuts, and burns for their potential use in localised cutaneous infections. However, regular and excessive use of topical antibiotics can lead to complications such as the development of resistant organisms. Plants are more effective healers since they naturally aid in the recuperation process. Thus, this study focus on checking wound healing activity of extract of plant Pistacia integrrima. The plant material was collected, extracted and analysed in in vitro & in vivo settings for wound healing activity. Results showed that plant contain carbohydrate, proteins, saponin, flavonoid, tannin & phenol. The total phenol & flavonoid content was found to be 0.316 & 0.244 respectively. The tensile strength in hydroalcoholic extract of Pistacia integerrima 200 & 400 mg/kg was found to be 1.92±0.32 Kg & 2.15±0.14 kg respectively. In the group treated with standard drug Cipladine the tensile strength was found to be 1.89±0.15 Kg. The wound contraction on 15 th day was found to be 6.3±6.45 for Standard drug Cipladine. While for HAPI (200mg/kg & 400mg/kg) was wound diameter was found to be 17±3.65 & 4.5±3.47 respectively. There was a significant increase in hydroxyproline content, which was 80.25 & 86.65 µg/gm in the HAPI 200mg/kg & 400mg/kg respectively, which was significantly higher than the disease control and standard drug treated groups, which had values 43.58 & 67.78 µg/gm respectively. In the current investigation, control and standard medication treated animals had substantially lower collagen content 315.47 & 502.32 µg/gm respectively than HAPI 200mg/kg & 400mg/kg treated groups, which had collagen concentrations of 601.74 & 635.85 µg/gm, respectively. The hexosamine level in animal tissues was determined to be 26.65 28.74 mg/gm HAPI 200mg/kg & 400mg/kg treated groups, respectively, while 9.65 21.45 mg/gm in the disease control and conventional medicine treated groups. Thus from results it is clear that Pistacia integrrima possess effective wound healing activity.

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